Collab Blog


Change Culture By Making Big Bets

It is instructive, when thinking about venture capital, to consider a venture firm as a two-sided marketplace.

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How Quarterly Became A Platform For Empowering Creative Entrepreneurs

We recently discovered that Magic is Art created a thirty second video promoting his Quarterly subscription.

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How Your 8-year Old Is Building A Digital Reputation

One of our favorite posts here at Progress Report was written about how the credit score is outdated (If FICO…

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Win a Scholarship for Seth Godin’s Skillshare Class

The New Business Toolbox: Help Your New Business Do It Right The First Time.

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The “Uber of X” Companies Are Only Halfway There

2013 was a big year for Uber.

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Celebrating Our Strong Roots: Chris Cerf

I recently wrote about the importance of having strong roots.

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Building From Your Insight

We’ve been helping out a great team launching an interesting retail company.

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Your Ideas Won’t Build Themselves

We work with many small organizations that want to grow their business and impact.

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Founders First: DIY

DIY is the best way for kids to get skills, meet others who share the same passions, and generally be awesome.

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Will [] Make The World Better?

Comic from XKCD.

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What Happens When The Peer Economy Grows Up?

Every online marketplace expert will tell you: start with supply.

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Strong Returns Come From Strong Roots

One of the most important things about a person or organization is its roots.

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Build Design Culture, Don’t Wait For It

Last week, I spent an afternoon with the design team at Percolate.

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If FICO & Klout Had A Baby

Credit, though we take it for granted, is a revolutionary human invention.

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Founders First: Quarterly Co.

Quarterly is a new way to connect with the people you follow and find interesting.

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Unpacking Collaborative Fund’s Investment Thesis

Back in May of this year, we partnered with The Case Foundation to take the reins on Social Citizens…

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Putting Sensors To Work For Us

Like I said: Optimistic.

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Future Of Payments

Communication protocols on the internet are both wildly varied and constantly evolving.

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Should Non-Profits Act More Like Tech Start-Ups?

Nonprofits can be slow-moving organizations, with lots of decision-making layers and bureaucratic stickiness.

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“Do Something Good, Feel Something Real”

That’s Ray Chambers describing what motivates him.

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