Collab Blog


Fill The Bathtub

Despite being awash in information, it seems harder than ever to uncover the truth.

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Makes You Think

A few lines I came across recently that got me thinking…

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Quiet Compounding

“Nature is not in a hurry, yet everything is accomplished,” said Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu.

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Useful and Overlooked Skills

On his way to be sworn in as the most powerful man in the world, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had to…

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My Month Without a Smartphone

On a rainy morning earlier this spring, I pulled my car out of our driveway to take my seven-year-old son…

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Lazy Work, Good Work

John D. Rockefeller was the most successful businessman of all time.

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How I Think About Debt

Japan has 140 businesses that are at least 500 years old.

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A Few Short Stories

Thirty-seven thousand Americans died in car accidents in 1955, six times today’s rate adjusted for miles driven.

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Risk Seeking vs. Mitigating

After tapping in for par on the 18th hole at Augusta National with the sun setting behind its towering pines…

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Lucky vs. Repeatable

Luck plays such a big role in the world.

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Find the Savages

We are inundated these days with headlines about how our college system is broken and how despondent graduates are due…

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Smart Words From Smart People

A few smart things I’ve read recently…

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