What We’re Reading


Between 1950 and 2010, average residential electricity consumption increased 10-fold. But after that, in a shift that captured the attention of economists, government agencies and others who monitor the energy market, consumption began to decline … In 2017, Americans spent $178 billion on residential electricity, the EIA data show. That works out to about 10% less per household, after accounting for inflation, than residential customers spent in 2010.


Hardworking outsiders no longer enjoy genuine opportunity. According to one study, only one out of every 100 children born into the poorest fifth of households, and fewer than one out of every 50 children born into the middle fifth, will join the top 5 percent.Absolute economic mobility is also declining—the odds that a middle-class child will outearn his parents have fallen by more than half since mid-century—and the drop is greater among the middle class than among the poor. Meritocracy frames this exclusion as a failure to measure up, adding a moral insult to economic injury.


It’s called “depressive realism,” and it seems to suggest that in our normal state, we tend to operate under happy delusions that lift away when we’re depressed. The idea blows apart the theory that depressed people have too negative an outlook on the world: They may actually just be seeing it how it is.

Happiness and age:

The data reported by the authors of the World Happiness Report, an academic study backed by the UN, show that happiness among people across the world aged 15-19 was 5.35 on average in 2016-18. A slow depression then appears to set in. By the age of 35-39 average self-reported happiness falls to 5.09 points. Once people hit 40 their depression gradually lifts. At the age of 70 an individual’s self-reported happiness rises to 5.58 points, on average. On this basis happiness during a person’s lifetime follows a gentle U-shape.

Three-factor authentication:

SensiPass works as an interactive password that utilizes user-specific biometric imagery for maximum protection.

In order to unlock a phone, SensiPass scans a QR code or a number pattern, analyzes a unique physical object (i.e. a face), and finally, the user draws a distinct pattern over the object to create their 3-factor “digital signature.”


The higher the price the more things you need to believe, hence the more diligence you should do to verify those things.

Personal benchmarks:

This leaves you with a problem. If you can’t compare yourself to others and you can’t compare yourself to your former self, what should you do? **You should compare yourself to where you would expect to be in the “average” state of the world.

Have a good weekend.