Collab Blog


A Few Things I’m Pretty Sure About

You don’t have to know exactly what the future holds to know that some people will handle it better than…

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Three Questions for Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph

Marc Randolph is the co-founder and first CEO of Netflix.

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Respect and Admiration

I like the idea of the reverse obituary: Write down what you want your obituary to say, then figure out…

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Intelligent vs. Smart

Here’s an important distinction to make in life.

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A Few Stories About Big Decisions

In 1964, Warren Buffett owned shares in an old industry company with fading prospects.

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How to Read: Lots of Inputs and a Strong Filter

My reading strategy is to start as many books as I can but finish few of them.

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Everything Is Cyclical

French geologists recently discovered that a Himalayan mountain suffered a massive landslide 800 years ago.

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Rich and Anonymous

I think there’s an “ideal” net worth for everyone, when money not only stops bringing pleasure but becomes a social…

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Smart Things Smart People Said

A few lines I came across recently that I liked…

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A Few Questions

Whose life do I admire that is secretly miserable…

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Why You Believe The Things You Do

I remember reading an article years ago about a father in Yemen who lost a son to starvation, only to…

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Fear of Acorns

I am a big fan of fables.

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Compounding Optimism

Let me share a little theory I have about optimism, and why progress is so easy to underestimate.

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Paying Attention

Sherlock Holmes says in the book, The Study of Scarlet…

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Expectations Debt

I live in Seattle, and Amazon is our giant.

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The Spectrum of Financial Dependence and Independence

“I did not intend to get rich.

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Vicious Traps

There are times in nature when two plus two equals ten – when two little things combine to form one…

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