Collab Blog


Some Things I Think

The fastest way to get rich is to go slow.

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One Big Web: A Few Ways the World Works

Joseph Tussman, a UC Berkeley philosophy professor, wrote in the 1960s that, “What the pupil must learn, if he learns…

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What Makes You Happy

Ernest Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance, became stuck in Antarctic ice.

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Mental Liquidity

I recently heard a phrase I love: Mental liquidity.

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Read Old Books

Occasionally, you come across something that really makes you think.

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All Together Now

The Brooklyn Bridge was the largest structure in the western hemisphere when it opened in 1883.

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Psychological Paths of Least Resistance

When faced with a problem, rarely do people ask, “What is the best, perfect, answer to this question?”.

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The Luckier You Are The Nicer You Should Be

An important skill – an incredibly hard one – is identifying when things in your life are temporarily too good…

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How It All Works (A Few Short Stories)

A few short stories whose lessons apply to many things…

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Risk and Regret

David Cassidy’s last words were, “So much wasted time.”.

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My Most Valuable Season

Last month, I was invited to a happy hour near the White House, so after packing up my things, I…

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Everything You Can’t Have

Nothing is as desired as much as the thing you want but can’t have.

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FOMO: The Worst Financial Trait

A funny thing about money is that it’s a negative art.

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The Art and Science of Spending Money

Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch once nearly died of a heart attack.

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Six Questions for Hannah Ritchie, Our World In Data

Our World In Data is one of our favorite resources.

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Justifying Optimism

What was the happiest day of your life…

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